The game revolved around a house in the book series that didn't show up in the television series and even took place during the events of the show. The series by Telltale Games built on the success of its The Walking Dead game and featured a similar episodic narrative structure that revolved around a player's choices. One of the most successful video games the series led to was Game of Thrones: A Telltale Games Series. There were a couple of browser-based games that were featured on the book series' website, but the series did eventually get more traditional game releases as well. However, Game of Thrones has dipped its toes in the games industry before. RELATED: Dreams Player Creates Game of Thrones' Night King In-Game Martin recently worked on the upcoming Elden Ring, so it does seem plausible that Martin would want to pursue video games for his own original series more seriously, especially now that the series' popularity could undoubtedly get the game a sizable budget to work with.
However, the universe of Game of Thrones is also perfect for video games, especially a massive game with the scale of The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim. The series will obviously get multiple new shows, comics, and, hopefully, some new books eventually. With multiple new Game of Thrones shows in production at HBO, it seems very likely that the series will stay relevant for many more years to come, which raises the question of what else the property could produce. The series captivated audiences for numerous years, and many of the show's characters still frequently come up in conversations long after they were killed off somewhere in the show's bloody timeline. Despite a conclusion that many fans found disappointing, Game of Thrones is still very much a pop-culture titan.